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Acupuncture is a safe, effective, traditional Chinese therapy. It is an ancient philosophy of medicine, based on the treatment of pain, musculoskeletal conditions and medical conditions by stimulating specific points on the skin with very thin, sterile needles. This boosts your body's natural ability to heal itself.


Acupuncture is very effective for pain relief and in the healing of muscle and joint conditions. Helen also uses electroacupuncture in her treatments.


Traditional Chinese philosophy states that our health depends on the free and continuous flow of life energy (Qi) throughout our entire body. The energy flows around the body in channels beneath the skin, corresponding largely to the major nerves of the body. The Chinese believe that imbalances or blockages in the energy flow of the body causes pain and illness. By inserting fine acupuncture needles and stimulating the appropriate acupuncture points, the energy flow is unblocked and the body can heal itself.  

Each fine, sterile acupuncture needle produces a microscopic injury at the insertion site, and although it’s slight enough to cause little discomfort, it’s enough of a signal to let the brain and body know it needs to respond. Research proves that this response involves stimulation of the brain, central nervous system, and autonomic nervous system. The brain produces healing chemicals and hormones which enter the blood and flood the body with beneficial healing effects. The result is pain relief, reduced inflammation, boosted immune system and healing of injuries or wounds, improved circulation, relief of stress, boosted energy and improved sleep.

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