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(Facial Acupuncture for Cosmetic Enhancement)

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For those who prefer a 100% natural, non-surgical, anti-ageing facial treatment and body detox in one treatment.

FACE or Facial Acupuncture for Cosmetic Enhancement is an alternative, safe, holistic, drug free, poison free and chemical free way to enhance the complexion and facial tissue, without any nasty side effects.         


FACE turns back the clock by naturally improving the condition of the skin from inside out. It boosts the micro-circulation, flushes out toxins, and, stimulates the skins own natural healing and regeneration mechanism. Facial tissues are stimulated to regenerate, producing new collagen and elastin which plump up tissues and soften and reduce lines and wrinkles from the inside. Improved tissue oil and water content and boosted circulation give the face an improved complexion and a healthy glow.

This treatment is popular amongst actors and celebrities who want to naturally enhance the condition of their facial tissues and complexion. Actors do not want to poison their facial nerves and tissues, risking the frozen, expressionless look which is often the result of the Botox toxin.

FACE is suitable for men and women and for any skin condition, from teenage acne to the prevention and treatment of age-related drying skin which is becoming lined and losing its toned appearance. The Chinese have been using acupuncture on the face for thousands of years to combat the signs of ageing and to help heal various skin conditions.

FACE is not a “quick fix”. The regeneration process takes time for best results and to ensure a long-lasting improvement in skin condition. Since both body and ear detox points are also used, a course of treatment can greatly improve overall health and wellbeing. Clients usually comment on their improved, glowing toned complexion and brighter eyes and also report that they feel healthier, sleep better and feel more balanced. A course of bespoke treatments is recommended, each lasting an hour and ending with a facial massage. 

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