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Pilates is a form of slow, controlled exercise aimed at supporting and strengthening your body from inside out. It focuses on improving the body’s flexibility, strength and postural alignment. True body stability, strength and balance comes from a strong flexible core. Mr Pilates believed that you are as young as your spine is flexible.

Physiotherapists modify the “Classic” Pilates moves to maximize their safety and effectiveness for everybody, no matter their level of fitness or rehabilitation after injury. Through a series of slow controlled,  repetitive, low impact, stretching and conditioning exercises, the spine and core muscles are safely, effectively and progressively mobilized and strengthened. Movements are aimed at improving the flexibility of the spine in combination with the lengthening and strengthening of the supporting CORE muscles of the trunk. The CORE refers to the 4 layers of abdominal muscles, the muscles of the back, pelvis and shoulders (not just the 6 pack). Through the practice of specific exercises, your strength, flexibility, posture and balance will improve, resulting in greater ease of movement.

Pilates practice helps to lengthen, tone and strengthen the body without bulking up. ​You will be working muscles you didn’t even know you had, while developing an awareness of how your body works, helping your mind and body to work in harmony. You will be able to achieve more with your body, whether you ask it to perform high-level sports or common daily tasks.

Every Pilates session is different, yet the theme is always the same. You will recognise exercises in their different forms as you progress through the levels of difficulty. Helen is trained to teach both mat work, small equipment and large apparatus sessions. Classes may incorporate the use of small equipment to give variety and challenge. Magic circles (resistance rings), small soft balls, foam rollers, large stability balls and stretchy rubber bands are used to emphasize the focus of an exercise and to challenge your muscular control and stability... Also, to make you smile.

Helen can also offer training on a reformer machine and also a split pedal chair – these pieces of large equipment are suitable for use at all levels of ability, from rehabilitation after surgery or injury, to strengthening up a triathlete or marathon runner. Andy Murray famously used a reformer to help his rehabilitation after his hip surgery.

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