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HIT provides a safe and effective HIT (High Intensity Training) workout for you to do at home. Let Glenn and his team take you on a journey to physical fitness with hard-hitting, sweat-producing bursts of 30 second High Intensity efforts. Variations given at the time of each exercise mean you can workout at the level which is right for you.


This pack includes:

  • 5 Key Moves & Fitness Test - Learn the 5 essential moves to be safe and effective in HealthyHIT. Then progress this to your fitness test session. Gain your foundation markers to chart your progress to high level fitness.
  • Core Connect - An instruduction to the unique concept of HealthyHIT that forces on challenging your core control while increasing your heart rate with High Intensity efforts.
  • Begin the Burn - Increase the cardio challenge to gain the huge benefits of High Intensity Training while learning even more essential Pilates moves.


Please Note: This program is an advanced cardiovascular exercise program and is NOT suitable for beginners or for anyone with any medical condition. Always consult your doctor before starting this or any new exercise programme. 

APPI Healthy HIT Class DVDs - set of 3 Disks - Part 1

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